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Toyota Rav4 (Тойота Рав4). Руководство по ремонту, инструкция по эксплуатации. Модели с 1994 по 2006 год выпуска, оборудованные бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями

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500 грн.
2140 руб.
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Товар успешно добавлен в корзину

Тип двигателя: бензин / дизель

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Обзор книги по ремонту Toyota Rav4


Living with your Toyota Rav4
Roadside repairs
Weekly checks
Lubricants and fluids
Routine maintenance and servicing
Repairs and overhaul
Engine and associated systems
Brakes and suspension
Body equipment

Weekly checks

Engine oil level

  • The engine oil level is checked with a dipstick located at the front side of the engine (see illustration). The dipstick extends through a metal tube from which it protrudes down into the engine sump.
  • The oil level should be checked before the vehicle has been driven, or about five minutes after the engine has been shut off. If the oil is checked immediately after driving the vehicle, some of the oil will remain in the upper engine components, producing an inaccurate reading on the dipstick.
  • Pull the dipstick from the tube and wipe all the oil from the end with a clean rag or paper towel. Insert the clean dipstick all the way back into its metal tube and pull it out again. Observe the oil at the end of the dipstick. At its highest point, the level should be between the L and F marks or between the two dimples (see illustrations).

Engine oil dipstick Toyota Rav4 1994 Haynes

The engine oil dipstick is located at the front of the engine

  • It takes one litre of oil to raise the level from the L mark to the F mark (or the lower dimple and the upper dimple) on the dipstick. Do not allow the level to drop below the L mark (or the lower dimple) or oil starvation may cause engine damage. Conversely, overfilling the engine (adding oil above the F mark or upper dimple) may cause oil fouled spark plugs, oil leaks or oil seal failures. 
  • Remove the threaded cap from the valve cover to add oil (see illustration). Use a funnel to prevent spills. After adding the oil, refit the filler cap hand tight. Start the engine and look carefully for any small leaks around the oil filter or drain plug. Stop the engine and check the oil level again after it has had sufficient time to drain from the upper block and cylinder head galleys.

Oil level on the dipstick Toyota Rav4 1994 Haynes

  • Where the dipstick has Full and Low level marks, the oil level should be at or near the F mark - if it isn't, add enough oil to bring the level to near the F mark (it takes approximately 1 litre to raise the level from the L to the F mark)

Dipstick with two dimples Toyota Rav4 1994 Haynes

Where the engine oil dipstick has two dimples - keep the oil level at or near the upper dimple

  • Checking the oil level is an important preventive maintenance job. A continually dropping oil level indicates oil leakage through damaged seats, from loose connections, or past worn rings or valve guides. If the oil looks milky in colour or has water droplets in it, a cylinder head gasket may be blown. The engine should be checked immediately. The condition of the oil should also be checked. Each time you check the oil level, slide your thumb and index finger up the dipstick before wiping off the oil. If you see small dirt or metal particles clinging to the dipstick, the oil should be changed (see Chapter 1A or 1B).

Filler cap Toyota Rav4 1994 Haynes

  • The threaded oil filler cap is located on the valve cover - always make sure the area around the opening is clean before unscrewing the cap to prevent dirt from contaminating the engine

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