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Ford Full-Size Vans (Форд Фулсайз Вэнс). Руководство по ремонту, инструкция по эксплуатации. Модели с 1969 по 1991 год выпуска, оборудованные бензиновыми двигателями

Код товара:
Тип бумаги:
600 грн.
2568 руб.
27 usd.
24 eur.
Быстрая покупка
Товар успешно добавлен в корзину

Тип двигателя: бензин

что подарить автомобилисту, книга в подарок, подарок автомобилисту

Данное руководство может стать замечательным подарком автомобилисту. Ведь недаром говорят, что книга это лучший подарок, а если она еще и поможет автомобилисту в ремонте, обслуживании и эксплуатации своего автомобиля, Вы можете быть безусловно уверены в полезности  и актуальности своего подарка.

Обзор книги по ремонту Ford Full-Size Vans


Introductory pages
Tune-up and routine maintance
Six cylinder inline engines
V8 engines
General engine overhaul procedures
Cooling, heatig and air conditioning systems
Fuel and exhaust systems
Engine electrical systems
Emissions control systems
Manual transmission
Automatic transmission
Clutch and driveline
Steering and suspension systems
Classis electrical system
Wiring diagrams

Tune-up and routine maintenance

Thermo-controlled air cleaner check

Refer to illustration 11.5

  • The thermostatically controlled air cleaner draws air to the carburetor from two locations, depending upon engine temperature.
  • This is a visual check. If access is limited, a small mirror may have to be used.
  • Open the hood and locate the flapper door inside the air cleaner assembly. It will be located inside the long snorkel of the air cleaner housing.
  • If there is a flexible air duct attached to the end of the snorkel, leading to an area behind the grille, disconnect it at the snorkel. This will enable you to look through the end of the snorkel and see the flapper door.
  • The check should be done when the engine and outside air are cold. Start the engine and look through the snorkel at the door, which should move to a closed position (see illustration). With the door closed, air cannot enter through the end of the snorkel, but instead enters the air cleaner through a flexible duct attached to the exhaust manifold.

End of the air cleaner snorkel Ford Full-size Vans 1969 Haynes

This is what you should see as you look into the end of the air cleaner snorkel at the flapper door (at the top, the flapper door is closed, as it should be when the engine is cold; after the engine has warmed up, the flapper door should open as shown at the bottom)

  • As the engine warms to operating temperature, the flapper door should open to allow air through the snorkel end. Depending upon ambient temperature, this may take 10 to 15 minutes. To speed up the check you can reconnect the snorkel air duct, drive the vehicle and then check to see if the door is completely open.
  • If the thermo-controlled air cleaner is not operating properly see Chapter 6 for more information.

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