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Honda CR-V (Хонда СРВ). Руководство по ремонту, инструкция по эксплуатации. Модели с 2002 по 2006 год выпуска, оборудованные бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями

Код товара:
Тип бумаги:
500 грн.
2140 руб.
23 usd.
20 eur.
Быстрая покупка
Товар успешно добавлен в корзину

Тип двигателя: бензин / дизель

что подарить автомобилисту, книга в подарок, подарок автомобилисту

Данное руководство может стать замечательным подарком автомобилисту. Ведь недаром говорят, что книга это лучший подарок, а если она еще и поможет автомобилисту в ремонте, обслуживании и эксплуатации своего автомобиля, Вы можете быть безусловно уверены в полезности  и актуальности своего подарка.

Обзор книги по ремонту Honda CR-V


Living with your Honda CR-V
Roadside repairs
Weekly checks
Routine maintenance and servicing
Repairs and overhaul
Engine and associated systems
Brakes and suspension
Body equipment
Wiring diagrams

Roadside repairs

Identifying leaks

Puddles on the garage floor or drive, or obvious wetness under the bonnet or underneath the car, suggest a leak that needs investigating. It can sometimes be difficult to decide where the leak is coming from, especially if the engine bay is very dirty already. Leaking oil or fluid can also be blown rearwards by the passage of air under the car, giving a false impression of where the problem lies.

Warning: Most automotive oils and fluids are poisonous. Wash them off skin, and change out of contaminated clothing, without delay.

The smell of a fluid leaking from the car may provide a clue to what’s leaking. Some fluids are distinctively coloured. It may help to clean the car carefully and to park it over some clean paper overnight as an aid to locating the source of the leak. Remember that some leaks may only occur while the engine is running.

Sump oil

Sump oil Honda CR-V 2002

  • Engine oil may leak from the drain plug.

Oil from filter

Oil filter Honda CR-V 2002 Haynes

  • The base of the oil filter.

Gearbox oil

Gearbox oil Honda CR-V 2002 Haynes

  • Gearbox oil can leak from the seals at the inboard ends of the driveshafts.


Antifreeze Honda CR-V 2002 Haynes

  • Leaking antifreeze often leaves a crystalline deposit like this.

Brake fluid

Brake fluid Honda CR-V 2002 Haynes

  • A leak occurring at a wheel is almost certainly brake fluid.

Power steering fluid

Power steering fluid Honda CR-V 2002 Haynes

  • Power steering fluid may leak from the pipe connectors on the steering rack.

Другие книги по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобилей Honda:

Компания Автоинформ

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