Electronic Ignition (Системы зажигания). Модели с 1991 по 1993 год выпуска (Том 3).
Тип двигателя: бензин / дизель
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Электрические системы зажигания (Electronic Ignition)Том 3
Глава 1. Алфавитный указатель (Index)
Глава 2. Сокращения (Abbreviations)
Глава 3. Введение (Introductions)
Глава 4. Использование данного руководства (Using this manual)
Глава 5. Компоненты и составляющие (Components and systems)
Глава 6. Меры предосторожности (Safety Precautions)
Глава 7. Оборудование и инструменты (Tools and equipment)
Глава 8. Процедуры перед запуском (General test procedures)
Глава 9. High tension circuit test
Глава 10. Советы по проведению тестов и проверок (Adjustments and test procedures)
Глава 11. Диагностика (Self-diagnosis)
Глава 12. Устранение неисправностей (Trouble shooters)
Глава 13. Уточнения (Amendments)
System checks
- Battery in good condition and fully charged.
- HT circuit and leads in good condition.
- All fuses in good condition and making good contact.
- All electrical connections clean, dry and secure.
- Transmission in neutral.
- Steering wheel in straight-ahead position.
- All ancillary electrical equipment, including AC, switched OFF.
Checking - 1
- Ensure ignition switched OFF.
- Disconnect one spark plug lead.
- Connect test spark plug to lead.
- Using insulated pliers hold plug 6 mm from suitable earth.
- Briefly crank engine with starter.
- Check for strong blue spark.
- If spark visible carry out Test 1.2.
- If no spark visible - see HT Circuit & Component Checks at front of manual.
Self-diagnosis code: 36
Technical Data
With vacuum/vacuum disconnected Not applicable
Basic timing - °/rpm
Pre 11/92 5±2/700±100
12/92 on 5±3/700±100
Standard timing - °/rpm 15±7/700±100
Firing order 1-2-3-4-5-6
Distributor rotation Not applicable
Checking - 2 & 3
- Ensure ignition switched OFF.
- Check HT leads correctly connected B.
- Remove cover from ignition timing adjustment connector (brown) B.
- Using jump lead, connect timing adjustment connector to earth.
- Connect stroboscopic timing light.
- Start engine and run at idle.
- Check timing at crankshaft pulley.
- Compare basic timing with that specified.
- Pre 11/92, adjust if necessary by turning TDC/crank angle sensor.
- 12/92 on, timing controlled by ECU and is not adjustable. t
- 12/92 on, if timing not as specified, check crankshaft sensor.
- Switch ignition OFF.
- Disconnect jump lead from connector and refit cover.
- Start engine and run at idle.
- Compare standard timing with that specified.
'CHECK ENGINE' lamp on fascia will illuminate when timing connector earthed.
Другие книги по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобилей:
- руководство по ремонту автомобильных кондиционеров
- книги по установке колес
- инструкция по ремонту трансмиссии
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