Toyota Corolla (Тойота Королла). Руководство по ремонту, инструкция по эксплуатации. Модели с 1997 по 2002 год выпуска, оборудованные бензиновыми двигателями
Тип двигателя: бензин
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Данное руководство может стать замечательным подарком автомобилисту. Ведь недаром говорят, что книга это лучший подарок, а если она еще и поможет автомобилисту в ремонте, обслуживании и эксплуатации своего автомобиля, Вы можете быть безусловно уверены в полезности и актуальности своего подарка. |
Обзор книги по ремонту Toyota Corolla
Living with your Toyota Corolla
Roadside repairs
Weekly checks
Lubricants and fluids
Tyre pressures
Routine maintenance and servicing
Repairs & overhaul
Engine and associated systems
Brakes and suspension
Body equipment
Wiring diagrams
Weekly checks
Brake and clutch fluid level (Manual transmission models only.)
Brake fluid can harm your eyes and damage painted surfaces, so use extreme caution when handling and pouring it. Do not use fluid which has been standing open for some time, as it absorbs moisture from the air, which can cause a dangerous loss of braking effectiveness.
Before you start
Make sure that the car is on level ground.
The fluid level in the brake reservoir will drop slightly as the brake pads wear down, but the fluid level must never be allowed to drop below the MIN mark.
Safety first!
- If the reservoir(s) require repeated topping-up, this is an indication of a fluid leak somewhere in the system, which should be investigated immediately.
- If a leak is suspected, the car should not be driven until the braking system has been checked. Never take any risks where brakes are concerned.
The MAX and MIN marks are indicated on the reservoirs. The brake fluid reservoir (MAX and MIN marks arrowed) is located in the right-hand rear corner of the engine compartment.
The clutch reservoir is adjacent to it. The fluid level must be kept between the marks (arrowed) at all times. If topping-up is necessary, first wipe clean the area around the filler cap to prevent dirt entering the hydraulic system.
Unscrew the brake fluid reservoir cap and carefully lift it out of position. The clutch fluid reservoir cap peels off. Inspect the reservoir, if the fluid is dirty, the hydraulic system should be drained and refilled (see Chapter 1 or 6).
Carefully add fluid, taking care not to spill it onto the surrounding components. Use only the specified fluid; mixing different types can cause damage to the system. After topping-up to the correct level, securely refit the cap and wipe off any spilt fluid. Reconnect the fluid level wiring connector.
Другие книги по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобилей Toyota:
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